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"Dream sound, charming cantabile, art of playing the piano straight from the great masters of the past"




Jul 31
August 6

Rognes (France) - CHATEAU BONISSON 

Festival Musiques dans les vignes de Provence

Piano Récital

Infos : Site web

Jul 31
August 6

LA COTE SAINT ANDRE (France) - Eglise

Festival Berlioz

Piano Récital (Programme "Italia in Musica"

Plus d'infos : Site Web

Jul 31
August 6

NICE (France) - Conservatory

International Academy of Music of Nice

Information & Registration:Website


Jul 31
August 6

OFFENBURG (Allemagne) - Reithalle

Festival "Oberrhein Klaviersommer"

Recital de piano

Plus d'infos : Site Web

Jul 31
August 6

GENEVE (Suisse) - Victoria Hall

Festival de piano Concertus

S. RACHMANINOV Concerto n.2 op.18

Orchestre Concertus de Genéve

Plus d'infos : Site Web

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“It’s a poetic world that he offers, this world that we all have within us… but forgotten!”

Victoria OKADA -CLASSICA - 5 Stars

“...finesse, poetry, the capacity for enchantment, the scent of ornamentation, and an indefinable charm
which captivates the listener. »
Jean LACROIX -CRESCENDO Magazine (“Absolute” Joker)

"Was Nikolai Medtner's long purgatory over? This is what this program, recorded in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, seems to testify with force and sensitivity... A very beautiful album!


"Incomparable narrating musician ... a chic and a form of innocence in the virtuosity which recalls the science of the keyboard and the princely elegance of Earl Wild."


"The lightness of his fingers is matched only by the poetry and virtuosity that he draws from them. With the two encores, including a stunning arrangement of a work by Carl Philipp Emauel Bach, after two hours of recital, he left the audience speechless. Yes, he was a triumph, the word is not an exaggeration."

Stéphane LOISON

"The Muse, son nouvel album, révèle toute la beauté des œuvres pour piano de Medtner. Les Mélodies oubliées, entre chants et danses populaires, attisent la rêverie intime et éveillent la réminiscence de sonorités immuables. Le clavier se pare des nuances de la mélancolie dans les Fragments lyriques et s’enflamme au fil des captivants Contes du folklore russe. La transcription de La Muse de Medtner, d’après un poème de Pouchkine, dévoile une émotion poétique sublimée par un jeu subtil oscillant entre sérénité et majesté."

Vincent CRESSARD - Ouest France (Disque de la semaine)

"Italian pianist Vittorio Forte is a sensitive performer who settles well in Medtner's music, so that he captures its world of thought with accuracy. The tonal quality of his playing, the art of lighting and nuances allow him an optimal variety of expression."


" Vittorio Forte translates the verve as well as the delirious and poetic assaults of a writing that tends towards enchantment "

"In a "salutary" program, the Italian pianist responds with his playing of undeniable elegance, within an interpretation full of clarity and sensitivity, offering emotion its unique depth. An essential record."


TO READ ... avery detailed article by Bertrand Ferrier in three parts on the release concert at the Salle Cortot as well as on the album "Medtner - The Muse"

A review and analysis by Sarah Franck on the site Artschipels on the disc "Medtner -The Muse"

S.RACHMANINOV - Concerto n.3 op.30 in D minor - "Intermezzo"
Victoria hall - geneva

Nuits du Piano Paris
Vittorio Forte - Nikolaï Medtner - Mélodies oubliées op 38 - Nuits du Piano - Paris
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Vittorio Forte - Nikolaï Medtner - Mélodies oubliées op 38 - Nuits du Piano - Paris

Vittorio Forte - Nikolaï Medtner - Mélodies oubliées op 38 - Nuits du Piano - Paris

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Vittorio Forte - Brahms  Intermezzi op 117 - Nuits du Piano Paris

Vittorio Forte - Brahms Intermezzi op 117 - Nuits du Piano Paris

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S. Rachmaninov Don't Grieve op.14 n.8 (piano transcription Earl Wild)

S. Rachmaninov Don't Grieve op.14 n.8 (piano transcription Earl Wild)

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Gershwin - I Got Rhythm - (Earl Wild Transcription)

Gershwin - I Got Rhythm - (Earl Wild Transcription)

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